Blue Von Henry Gunnin
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Blue Von Henry Gunnin

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Puppy Number Three

Puppy Number Four

Puppy Number Five

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Blue was the second addition to our Weim family.  We bought Blue when Gracie was only 6 months old, but age did not make a difference as he got older.  He is a loving companion to Grace and is a wonderful addition to our family.

Blue at Belton Lake

Blue is a very curious dog. He loves attention and is always looking for it.



Blue's Pedigree

                                                                     Sire: Starter Turk Wendell

                             Sire: Henry Valentine's Honor

                                                                     Dam: Smokey's Shimmering Shanna

Sire: Beau Henry Gunnin

                                                               Sire: Of Major Imortance

                               Dam: Gimme Sum Sugar

                                                               Dam: Bo's Moochkin


                                                           Sire: CH Kasamar Citation

                                     Sire: Silvershadow

                                                            Dam: Kasamar Kiowa

Dam: Emily Von Silvershadow                            Sire: Shadow Slick Von Antares

                                     Dam: Graycee Von Antares    

                                                                      Dam: Garrett's Hunting Hailey            


Blue is full of energy and love. He is always looking for someone to pet him, and you better believe that if Gracie is getting some love, he will squeeze his way in too. 

Blue after the birth of his pups.

Blue is proud pop, here he is after his five little ones are born. He keeps his distance from Grace and the pups, but not too far away.